Nov 17, 2022
Legacy is a BIG (and sometimes) scary word. But it's one we would love to embrace for ourselves, both personally and in our business. In this episode, I chat with one of my best PR besties, Meghan Ely, all about how to set up your brand legacy; how it relates to you, your business and your vision. Meghan takes...
Nov 10, 2022
Sylvana Rochet is an executive coach, specializing in guiding entrepreneurs and CEO’s through the murky waters of owning a business. Sylvana and I talk about all the things; setting intention, climbing over the mountain of fear and behaviors, as well as throwing in a few examples of how to set the tone. This episode...
Nov 3, 2022
With Wedding MBA right around the corner, I sit down with one of my favorite people Braden Drake. This episode is the perfect piggyback from last week, where I talked about how to get unbored. Well, Braden is doing just that. And today, we talk about the HOW of what is coming up the pipe line for both myself and Braden....