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Talk with Renee Dalo

Apr 30, 2020

If these current times have got you worried about what’s to come, this episode is for you. I chat with award winning wedding planner, fashion designer, artistic visionary and television star David Tutera takes us into the then, now and the future of the wedding industry. By using the power of positive thinking, David takes us back to some of the lowest points and how he used those moments to learn and create an even better business for his clients, his dedicated team, and himself. 


6: 08 Two Different Sides 

7:32 9/11 Moving Outside Your Comfort Zone 

13:18 2008 Recession Response and Changes 

17:14 Knowing How to Run a Business 

21:22 New Collections 

23:20 Dinner With David 

30:21 A Positive Future